Spiritual Direction sessions with Cedar Rock Ministries are currently paused.
Renee Fouts, a certified spiritual director, offers a safe, prayerful space for people to discuss relational challenges, explore questions of faith, receive soul care, or discern God’s guidance for their lives. Spiritual direction focuses on training the soul to be still, pray and listen. Renee is gifted in discernment and guidance. Her 90-minutes sessions are $75 and take place over Zoom.
[quote]Six months ago, I felt beyond distant from my husband and despite all of my efforts, I had lost hope in my marriage being something that was positive, energizing, godly, and even good. I can’t exactly put into words what it is that altered the fabric of our relationship, but I know that talking to Renee was a huge and integral part of it all. Today, our marriage is not perfect. But there is HOPE. I am so revived by the faith that has been restored in God’s plan and purpose for marriage. Just as God used humans to be the implementers of His will and the messengers of his Word in the Bible, so Renee is an anointed conduit of God’s love, grace, divine wisdom, and spiritual enrichment.
– individual from Texas[/quote]