Become More Fully Known and Deeply Loved
Cedar Rock is a relationship development ministry. We help individuals and couples find the rest and connection they need to become more fully known and deeply loved.

Book a Retreat
Step toward healthier relationships and a healthier you.

Invest in the journey of becoming more fully known and deeply loved.

About Cedar Rock
Read our story, mission statement and core values.

Book a Retreat
Get away with Cedar Rock to rest, connect with God, and revive your most important relationships
Support the soul-enriching work of Cedar Rock. Your gift will heal wounds, restore marriages, and help us keep the cost of retreats affordable.
Cedar Rock Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization; your gifts are tax deductible.

Who We Are
Cedar Rock Ministries, based out of Searcy, AR. We help individuals and couples find the rest and connection they need to become more fully known and deeply loved.
Since 2010, this ministry has served many in the body of Christ in several states throughout the U.S. and in Kenya and Uganda, East Africa.